
Get the Data Science Edge: University of Arizona - CyVerse Subscription

University of Arizona students, faculty, and staff have free access to CyVerse, the world-class computational platform for open science thanks to the Technology and Research Initiative Fund (TRIF) with the State of Arizona. Embracing the Data Science Institute's goals, CyVerse helps support research, fosters collaboration, promotes data science training, and helps to solve data-driven challenges.

The CyVerse extensible platforms provide data storage, bioinformatics tools, data visualization, interactive analyses, cloud services, APIs, and more. CyVerse is a dynamic virtual organization that fulfills a broad mission to enable data-driven, collaborative research. CyVerse provides researchers with powerful platforms to handle huge datasets and complex analyses, thus enabling data-driven discovery.

U of A research using CyVerse includes:

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University of Arizona CyVerse Subscription

The University of Arizona has a subscription to CyVerse with over 2,500 Academic Pro accounts. U of A students, faculty, and staff have free access to CyVerse thanks to the Technology and Research Initiative Fund (TRIF).

CyVerse logo

Scale storage and compute resources to meet the scientific needs of projects, teams, or classes, from data upload to publication. With the U of A account, there’s no need to maintain your own servers, pay for IT services, or worry about security and replication – CyVerse takes care of that. CyVerse’s hardware, software, and staff enable you to easily store, manage, share, and analyze large amounts of data.

Sign up with a University of Arizona email address and NetID to get a free University of Arizona CyVerse account that includes:

  • 3 TB of data storage

  • 20,000 compute units/year*

  • Ability to run 4 concurrent jobs

  • Ability to share unlimited data files or apps with teams, collaborators, or students

  • 10 permanent identifiers (DOIs) for data

  • A seat at any 4 CyVerse workshops (Foundational Open Science Skills, Container Basics, Advanced Containers, ChatGPT Prompt Engineering, etc.)

  • Advanced features and APIs

  • Access to webinars

  • Workshop resources to use CyVerse for training-teaching

  • Screen share support

* Compute units are normalized if jobs run on CPUs, GPUs, etc.; 1 Compute Unit equals 1 Core Hour on a CPU.