Computational Resources

Several facilities and campus service centers provide the computational infrastructure critical for innovation and discovery, including:

University of Arizona Resources:

  • CyVerse
    • Provides cyberinfrastructure to life science researchers (supported by the National Science Foundation).  Headquartered at the UA, CyVerse provides workshops on using its resources and how to perform a variety of scientific analyses.
  • Soteria
    • Provides a secure computational infrastructure for analysis of PHI, HIPAA and protected data sets. Soteria provides access to dedicated high performance computing, as well as provides common computational workspaces such as Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio, and RStudio Connect.
  • UA High Performance Computing
    • Provides access and training to UA HPC systems.  UA researchers can access 36,000 compute hours per month free of charge on these systems.  
  • Center for Biomedical Informatics and Biostatistics
    • Provides statistical consulting to UA researchers
  • SensorLab - Healthcare Technology Innovation Lab
    • Services include two main categories, which are (1) Equipment/Sensor loaning (sensor and related equipment for shared use) and (2) Dedicated Space/Rooms (space configured and prepared for research using a variety of sensors).
  • VR Studio
    • Provides virtual and augmented reality support through the University Libraries
  • UA Core Facilities
    • Provides access to experts in genomics, proteomics, imaging, micro-fluidics, precision machining, nano fabrication, and more.

National Resources: