Posit Connect

Make Your Research Reproducible

Posit and Posit Connect make data analysis easier and provides powerful tools for sharing a spectrum of data products, static or dynamic, developed in R and Python: Dashboards, applications, APIs, reports, and so much more.

Posit offers an open-source, development environment for users to perform data analysis on their local workstation. The Posit environment links to Posit Connect to enable users to share their research findings to others.

Posit Connect is a standalone publishing platform for the work your teams create in R or Python. Share Shiny applications, R Markdown reports, dashboards, plots, models, Jupyter Notebooks, and more.  Posit Connect can even be automated to update your content whenever you submit a commit to Git.

Who has access to Posit Connect?

  • Access to Posit Connect is restricted to faculty, staff and students of the University of Arizona.
  • Applicants must have a faculty member or research staff member as a sponsor. (Faculty and research staff may sponsor themselves.)
  • There are a limited number of Posit Connect user seats available to campus.  Seat assignments will be reviewed each semester and sponsoring faculty may be asked about renewals.  It is recommended that research groups designate one, at most two, users to be responsible for publishing materials on behalf of the lab group.

Are there any limitations on use?

  • Publishing via Posit Connect is for research purposes.  It is not to be utilized for course assignments. Faculty and students wanting to publish in relation to course activities should first use the public Shiny App services (see https://www.shinyapps.io/).
  • The expectation is that all published apps should be set to be publicly viewable. Requests should be made if viewing of the published materials needs to be limited or restricted.
  • Posit Connect is provided for distribution of lightweight apps.  Users needing greater compute power or large amounts of local storage should consider using the UA High Performance Computing System or CyVerse.



Posit Connect is offered to the UArizona Campus through funding from UA Strategic Initiative: UAHS 5.3 - Health Analytics Powerhouse

Resources and Support

Options for on-campus, in-person support
Useful guides and online tutorials 

Having access, configuration or user account issues? Tell us more about what is happening.