A Day in the Life of a Data Scientist at Sandia National Labs
Join Greg Chism with the Data Science Institute to hear monthly speakers in the Industry Careers in Data Science Speaker series for Spring 2023. Speakers in the series highlight data science skills and backgrounds needed to be successful and how to apply for jobs, pursue data science careers, or establish new industry relationships. This series will start conversations between the attendees and speakers to foster local workforce development with UArizona graduates and students.
Topic: A Day in the Life of a Data Scientist at Sandia National Labs
During her time at Sandia National Labs, Mary Rose Sena has become a subject matter expert in using time series analysis to detect anomalies in time dependent data. The tools that Sena has helped develop and research that she has led have been applied to a wide range of areas, from cybersecurity to autonomous flight systems, and have had a direct impact in our national security. After graduating from UNM with a MS in Statistics, Sena was hired as a statistician at Sandia where she has been working for nearly nine years. Committed to science with the mission in mind, Sandia creates innovative, science-based, systems-engineering solutions to our nation's most challenging national security problems.
Location: Main Library, B254 - Learning Studio CATalyst
Speaker: Mary Rose Sena with Sandia National Labs
Pizza will be provided.