Explore CACAO's features to help you connect your workshop to cloud-native resources
About the webinar
Remember Atmosphere? Users of CyVerse's original cloud computing service may recall how easy "Atmo" made teaching computational informatics courses. With just a few clicks, students could spin up a virtual machine to run bioinformatic analyses and avoid the perfect storm of software dependencies, operating system incompatibilities, and insufficient compute resources that was every educator's nightmare. CyVerse decommissioned Atmo in 2021 and replaced it with CACAO, Cloud Automation and Continuous Analysis Orchestration, an open-source, cloud-native platform that helps users deploy software and infrastructure to multiple clouds, including commercial cloud, using "recipes".
In this webinar, CyVerse's Research Data Scientist, Michele Cosi, and Director of Infrastructure, Edwin Skidmore, team up to show you the in's and out's of using CACAO in a workshop or classroom setting to access cloud-native resources to accelerate scientific learning and research. By focusing on helping you and your students get stuff done, CACAO helps transform your research and education in a multi-cloud world.
"CACAO saved us. We were able to concentrate on teaching materials instead of spending our time dealing with installing software and dependencies."
--Instructor, 6th Uppsala Transposon Symposium
Subsequent webinars will emphasize different features, as listed below: