The Data Drip October 2023
Nov. 3, 2023

The Data Drip October 2023
Data Science Institute (DSI)
- DSI & CyVerse represented at UArizona Phoenix open house
- Coming soon - UArizona Research Software Engineers (RSE) Group
News and Activities
- Step into the Data Lab at UArizona
- UArizona Data Lab: Unlocking the Power of Data - A Journey Through Machine Learning & Deep Learning (Tuesday series)
- UArizona Data Lab: Deep Dive into Deep Learning - An Exploration (Thursdays)
- UArizona well represented at 1st Annual US-Research Software Engineering Association Conference
- Welcome to GPT 101
- Conduct research in a secure data analysis enclave with Soteria
- UArizona CyVerse accounts available
- Spotlight you and your research!
Musings and Opinions
- DSI Spotlights - The Data Science Institute highlights three University of Arizona Graduate Research Assistants: Brenda Huppenthal, Meghavarshini Krishnaswamy (Megh), and Ankit Pal
- Share The Data Drip
- The UArizona data science community is reading and sharing...
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Tina L. Johnson