In this workshop, we will explore the benefits of cloud-hosted Jupyter notebooks and how we can leverage free cloud hosted providers (GitHub Dev, Google Colab, Gitpod, and Mybinder) as well as University of Arizona resources such as HPC (Jupyter Notebook, Visual Studio Code), and CyVerse (Atmosphere environment, VICE apps).
Jupyter Notebook is a free and open-source tool that can be accessed through a web browser. Today’s data scientists are embracing cloud-hosted notebooks. They offer several advantages over traditional notebook environments, which are typically pre-installed on the user’s computer. Jupyter Notebooks hosted in the cloud provide a server-based environment for interactive data science and machine learning research. It facilitates the development of reproducible data analysis that can be shared online. Users can save their work in the cloud for future reference or collaborate without needing to first download and create the environment and codes on their PC.
This is a hybrid workshop with the Zoom link: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/88671188298(link is external) Password: 969586.